March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared COVID a global pandemic. Organizations moved almost overnight to a ‘work from home’ for most of their employees. This has caused many organizations to consider:
- How well were their systems ready for a 100% remote workforce?
- Was everything searchable and available?
- In most cases with fewer employees and no physical means to educate, were people able to learn the technologies or procedures to keep the business running?
- When a regulatory or legal action took place, was there a systemic and timely means for the effort to me managed?
- Now 264 days into COVID, has there been a realization of just where money is effectively spent on technology – and where it is wasted?
Add to this how the evolution of technology is not actually slowing down AND older technology is still aging out and moving to end-of-service. As 2021 planning is now in high gear, where is that low hanging ROI fruits hanging as the budget to make change needs to also include not spending in other places.Let InfoDNA Solution help to realize macroeconomic opportunities like:
- Better utilize of existing enterprise spends like Office365 from Microsoft and what they can entail.
- Deduplication of spends because of departmental ‘shadow IT’ spending. Why have departmental DropBox and Citrix file shares when the enterprise has Microsoft OneDrive or BOX?
- How much is that legacy FileNet or Documentum system holding back innovation and costing enormous sums to keep running?
- Is that network drive turning more and more into that enterprise ‘data swamp’?
InfoDNA Solutions Topla can assess, cluster and extract missing metadata to create a better view into the enterprise. With the newly added Gilphy technology, knowledge is extracted to drive categorization. Learn more from www.infodnasolutions.com.