InfoDNA Solutions keeps a pulse on the market based on client needs. It is also about the needs for business continuity, support and innovation. If the average organization spends 60%-70% of their total IT budget to maintain the status-quo, where is an opportunity to extract real value from that spend. That maintenance spend should be going back into R/D investment, quality support and timely patching of issues – but is sadly does not work that way in 2020 and beyond.
The desire to migrate, archive and remove from the data center inventory technology is a big conversation for organizations as 2021 planning is in full swing. To that end, let’s discuss technologies doing to end-of-primary-support or completely off extended support:
- Microsoft SharePoint 2010 end of extended support October 13, 2020 – Microsoft
- SharePoint 2016 end mainstream support July 2021
- OpenText Documentum 7.3 extended support December 2020
- IBM Case manager 5.3.x end of support April 30, 2021
- Perceptive (now owned by Hyland) 7.2 ends May 2021
Using the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Content Services 2020 as an additional ‘compass’, organizations need to consider how they will manage all that document-centric information better and for less. Add to this all those network drives, cloud-based file-sync-and-share options (Box, DropBox, etc) and the vision of ‘enterprise content’ is just as elusive today as ever.
Contact InfoDNA Solutions to have an immediate evaluation of your current state to move to a better tomorrow in 2021. Their Topla platform can analyze across repositories and give you that single virtual collection – helping in the effort to better capture, collaborate and govern all your unstructured documents.