This is our reality – each and every one of us:
- Documents still rule business. We still use wet signatures.
- The communications channels that come into an organization have grown – paper, fax and email now include click-to-chat, text messaging and social media. AND THEY CAN ALL INCLUDE DOCUMENTS
- Customers expect immediate response
- Lawyers don’t want to wait for eDiscovery results
- Mergers and Acquisitions bring duplicate systems from a multitude of vendors
- Technology is changing
- ‘Shadow IT’ using cloud technology is everywhere and allows anyone to share documents (think OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive)
- Nothing that is old is being decommissioned
- Organizations have a mix of document technologies that are broad in capabilities and architecture – whether ECM, Cloud Content or basic Sync-and-share.
- ‘Digital Transformation’ is the buzzword in all the board rooms – so change is expected and expected RIGHT NOW.
Effectively finding what is needed, the moment it is needed and having confidence it is accurate is still a problem.
Any of these reflect your reality?
In a research paper titled “What is Digital Transformation?” Tom Rieger did research to help us understand the topic , the problems today, how we got here and what should be done.
One can tell we are at a tipping point when the CEO of Fifth Third Bank states:
“Customers embrace technology, and their expectations are rapidly evolving. They want to bank anywhere, anytime, and they compare their bank experience to their last best digital experience – not to experiences with other banks.” – Greg Carmichael, CEO, Fifth Third Bank
What he is saying is that everyone competes with what we think was our last-best experience online – whether that was Netflix, Amazon or Target. So how we manage and find our business documents need to be just as nimble as our other more structured systems.
Further in the research two questions where asked of over 150 business executives (mostly non-IT):
- The CEO of a bank recently stated that “Customers embrace technology, and their expectations are rapidly evolving. They want to bank anywhere, anytime, and they compare their bank experience to their last best digital experience – not to experiences with other banks.” Do you believe this is the case with your customers and what they expect of your organization?
- Compared to your competition, do you think your organization does a good job at using technology to engage and service your customers?
Fully 94% believe the quote from Mr Carmichael but only 8% felt they use technology better than their customers to service customers.
That is the chasm between expectations and reality. Mr Rieger’s research discusses how this is rooted in the chaos of the mix of processes, lack of automation and even the need for ‘wet signatures’ in today’s world of content and document management.
InfoDNA Solutions brings both the Topla product and professional expertise to interrogate your entire enterprise to reconcile and accelerate the organization to better categorize and meta-tag documents so they can be easily found. The successful business of tomorrow will not need to ask the ‘where is it?’ question.