State-level momentum for comprehensive privacy bills is at an all-time high. After the California Consumer Privacy Act passed in 2018, multiple states proposed similar legislation to protect consumers in their states. Centered around research IAPP Westin Research Center compiled the below list of proposed and enacted comprehensive privacy bills from across the country to aid our members’ efforts to stay abreast of the changing state-privacy landscape.
It began in California with the CCPA and recently Virginia has enacted their own. The dominos are beginning to fall to the whims of consumerism and data. No matter there are now over 48 million Americans in those two states who can ask – and expect – organizations to respond to a litany of expectations.
11 states have 16 bills in different points in the law-making process. With time and the amount of data being gathered this will just become a bigger problem for lawmakers. They are all looking at the CCPA/Prop 24 + Virginia laws as a template. With the political waves leaning more into consumer-centric protections across the country and Washington DC this accelerates the pervasiveness of these bills to turn into law.
What you have to do
IT systems were not written for these types of macro expectations of query, control and deletion. There are so many potential repositories where consumer data is embedded inside documents, emails and other unstructured types of data.
InfoDNA Solutions can help to identify and tag all those unstructured documents with the right controls and searchability both quickly, accurately and with minimal human intervention. Learn more about the tools available at www.infodnasolutions.com
Originally published article with links to each statute and bill is available <HERE>