The 2019 “State of the Digital Workplace Report” is available and full of interesting insights.
There are 10 key takeaways to ponder:
- Process is being made: businesses are putting more digital workplace strategies in place and implementing core platforms
- A mature, effective digital workplace is an important destination, but this is a work in progress.
- The link between employee and customer experience is becoming increasingly more clear.
- Half-hearted support from top leadership is stifling digital workplace progress
- Digital workplace tools are failing users, creating a huge disconnect between their strategic important and operational effectiveness
- Digital workplace maturity, combines with a well-developed digital workplace strategy or program, leads to real world improvements with more effective tools.
- Though emerging technologies receive the most attention and excitement, the priority for most organizations is on the nuts and bolts.
- Measuring the digital workplace is at a nascent stage, making it hard to drive improvement.
- Organizations that embraces agile practices were also found to achieve higher levels of digital workplace success.
- Ownership or the employee experience is still up for grabs.
The research calls out particularly compelling measures. For instance:
- ‘Document management’ is considered the most important technology for an effective digital workplace
- Nearly 50% of the responses to the research stated “it needs work” when it comes to effectiveness.
Finally there were ‘to-dos for tomorrow’ with some particulars worth mentioning.
- Discover and aggregate your digital workplace data
- Try to get the ball rolling on formulating a strategy
- Commit to improving failed tools.
In an article titled “The State of Document Management in the Workplace” by David Roe, his observations from this research re-enforce and make clear the problem:
As technology develops and requirements change, businesses oftentimes find that they have a diverse collection of legacy technology platforms. There are several wa
rnings that this may be causing problems. These include:
- Organizations often feel they have no choice but to continue to maintain outdated systems because the effort and expense of migration is too much to tolerate.
- Researchers say that up to 85% of information in an organization is redundant, obsolete, or trivial and that organizations are still struggling
to overcome this.
- To be compliant with GDPR, CCPA and other regulatory demands are too difficult to manage with older legacy systems.
InfoDNA Solutions is the company to help you take on the research takeaways and ‘to-dos’. Our Topla product is designed to help bring up your effectiveness in empowering document management and repair-and-aggregate your platforms. If you have a portfolio of content stores (SharePoint, Documentum, IBM Filenet, network drives, etc) and look to reconcile your reality to make what is needed for business available at ‘the speed of the internet’, we can make that a reality.