There are a lot of macroeconomic and microtechnology dynamics at play today when it comes to how we manage all our corporate content and documents. This is being driven by:
- Technology change – The big-iron and complex content systems from 15 years ago are giving way to more nimble and easier to provision technologies. From browser plug-ins (remember Silverlight and Flash) to HTML5, better support for mobile, nimble process automation and beyond.
- Cloud – The availability of content services in the cloud are the new normal. ‘Cloud First’ is the bumper stick on cars and signs around corporate IT organizations.
- Investment – Look at where the vendor community is spending money and where investment dollars are leaning. It is these new-gen players. Box for content, Appian for BPM, Docusign for e-signature and beyond – players who did not exist 10 years ago.
- Office365 – Microsoft is making OneDrive and SharePoint very easy to consume because it is in the license corporations of all sizes are signing up for. This brings an opportunity to organizations who previously could not afford the old ‘big iron’ approach and made do with network drives and free Dropbox licenses.
- Nimble – You are either transforming or being disrupted. Are your systems able to adjust and grow as you need them to? This is the new-normal of ‘nimble’ technology.
Add to this organizations who merge-and-acquire, who lease a lot of equipment and need to better manage contracts (A $2 trillion problem), the shifting world order being driven by data protection rules – you need to get your documents and content under better control.
How? You need to know where you are starting. Topla, from InfoDNA Solutions, brings that ability to take any number of repositories (IBM, Documentum, OpenText, SharePoint, Fileshares and more), compare them in context and against each other, auto categorize and build a standard library of data and place the final result into where they can all live – deduplicated, one final version of the truth and findable by your people.
The decision of repository is up to you. Whether you want on-premises, cloud or some of both – we know how to work with them all. Each bring capabilities and functions that should be considered – but from a library services and repository perspective they all work.
The latest Forrester Wave report on ‘ECM Content Platforms’ was just released and available HERE.
InfoDNA can help you embark on this journey by breaking down into distinct actions.
- Decide on a whole new Enterprise Information Management (EIM) strategy= We turn large, complex problems, riddled with risk and inefficiencies, into an effective Enterprise Information Management strategy.
- EIM Project Management= Enterprise Information Management combines Enterprise Content Management, Customer Experience Management, Business Process Management, and Business Intelligence.
- Content Assessment= Content/landscape Assessment is an integral step on the journey to effective Enterprise Information Management.
- Organizing it all into a taxonomy= Because a corporate taxonomy is the foundation of any successful EIM strategy, standardizing the taxonomy is one of the most critical steps in the process.
- End-to-end migration = InfoDNA can help you make the right choices when preparing to migrate your existing content from a legacy ECM tool onto a new one
With the intended result being a more nimble organization that can adjust to markets and customers, more IT spend efficiencies and a reduction in risk and governance concern.
Learn more at www.infodnasolutions.com