As organizations look to keep current, develop their next solutions and try to keep their portfolio of technology in check – one other reason to plan ahead of the product roadmap curve is SharePoint 2010 goes completely end of life October 13, 2020. LESS THAN A YEAR AWAY!!! In the are of content management, that is a big deal!!
If we also add to the fact that Microsoft’s “preferred direction” clients take is to load it all into the Azure cloud as part of your Office365 subscription, this becomes more complicated. This adds limits in the number of files and total storage size you will want to migrate. PLUS you may have other data sources you want to migrate into this avenue – from network drives to old document stores that need to be decommissioned (DocStar, Perception, and the like).
Topla, from InfoDNA Solutions, is here to help reconcile what you have and migrate what makes sense with the end result making happy clients. Being able to compare across content stores into a single ‘view’, finding duplicate, PII data and placing everything into a consistent taxonomy with complete metadata makes that happen.
Learn more at www.infodnasolutions.com